History of Aurangabad

History of Aurangabad

History of Aurangabad       

 The machine of socio-artistic glory of the capital Delhi rolled to the Deccan India and settled down at Daulatabad in the early 14th century. Aurangabad was innovated by Malik Amber in the period 1605 is a shadow effect of Daulatabad. The artistic and monumental history of Aurangabad can not be understood and justified unless the social, artistic setup of Daulatabad is observed.

 India was having a charming lodestone for the rest of the world. Indian deluding, silk cloths of Paithan and malmal cotton of Dhakaal are the main lodestones for European and Asian countries. Delhi the Capital of India was one of the biggest cosmopolises amongst Bagdad, Rome, Alexandria, Constindotnpal etc. The merchants, gentlepeople, craftspeople, and different people from Iran, Egypt, Turk, Mongolians, Afghanis,etc. came to Delhi and settle down Delhi it was notorious for its manifold, social-artistic, traditions. It was notorious for manifold, social-artistic, traditions of different country people were accumulated at Delhi. The people of Deccan had a great lodestone to see the glory of Delhi. Whatever lived in Delhi was shifting to Daulatabad.

 Every fastness of Deccan was having Delhi Darwaza at the nak of the fastness.

After the death of Sultan Gayasuddin Tughlaq in 1351 Notice Sultan Mohammad Tughaq Shah becomes king of Delhi and in 1326 Notice he transferred complete Delhi with all its amenities, people, culture,etc. to Daulatabad it was great socio-artistic unforeseen exposers at the center of Maharashtra. Thereafter of there was the emulsion of North and South artistic and trade at Daulatabad. The glory of Delhi suddenly shifted to Daulatabad. The people of Maharashtra suffered the socio-artistic explosion at Daulatabad. Thereafter on, this new culture compound with the culture of Deccan India.

 Whatever in reality at Delhi was fully shifted to Daulatabad in between 1326 to 1328 Notice.

 Shifting Capital Delhi to Aurangabad

 1. Ziyauddin Barni

 Contemporary Chronicler Ziyauddin Barni was an Honorable person in the court of Mohammed Tughalaq. He used to meet Mohammed Tughalaq hourly to moot rainbow matters. He writes in his book Tarikh-E-Ferozshahi ( messenger No, Tughalaq Kalim Bharat, Sayyed Athar Abbas Razvi, History Department, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh,) that Mohammed Tughalaq piece his mind to shift Delhi to Daulatabad because it's in the central place of India and Delhi is at one corner of India where there's the possibility to be attacked by a foreign raider. Delhi was shifted to Daulatabad in two tract. One in 1326-27 and original 1328-29 (MuntakhutttarkhP.226-228).

 2. Isami

 Isami the contemporary chronicler was present in the first group of people who were marching for Daulatabad from Delhi. He described in his book Futuhussala was the worst situation of people of Delhi who were fain leaving their houses and business. Isami was a common man and he wasn't known to Mohammed Tughalaq. In his description, he related the program to shifting Delhi is full of madness. According to him, the people of Daulatabad could flourish because of Hazrat Shaikh Burhanuddin Garib. He also described Hazrat Shaikh Zainuddin who followed Hazrat Shaikh Burhanuddin after his death.

 3. Shahabuddin – Al-Umari

He wrote in his book “ Masalikul Absar Fi. Mamalikul Amsar” about India, polychromatic sightseers visited India generally from Shaikh Mubarak Ibne Mehmood Al Kambati. According to him, he left Daulatabad at that time the construction of structures, palaces, etc of new capital was half. It was a planned megalopolis that was capably and intelligently designed. Different colonies were erected according to the grades of people. Different colonies for men-at-arms other for Ministers, Pens, Registrars, Judges, Learned people, Sufi saints, Merchants, and Builders. In every colony according to the introductory grades Masjids, Minarets, Bazars, Hamams, Dhabas (for cooking viands), etc. This type of arrangement was specially done because every colony will be constitution dependent.

 Shaikh Mubarak visited Delhi and described it as follows multiple colonies were having different names and inclusively they were known as Delhi. It was spread in 40 country miles. The places were reared in tombstones and bricks the roofs were reared in woodland. The bottoms were reared in Marbals or white tombstones. Marble was used only by the king.

 Description of Delhi before shifting to Daulatabad

 4. Shaikh Burhanuddin Abubakar Trunk – Al-Khalil – Al-Bajji

Writes that at present there are 21 colonies and number of auditoriums. According to him, he described Delhi as follows

. Madarsas

 Were 1000 out of one for Shafaye and remaining for Hanafis. There were 70 Hospitals known as Darushafa. All over Delhi, there were 2000 Khankhaey (Saray). There were big bazars and number of Hamams.

 Masjid and Minarets

In Delhi there's one Mosque that's noted for its high Minarets. There's no other Minaret in the world other than this. Shaikh Burhanuddin Al Khalil writes that these minarets are 600 gaz (yard)

 Edifice of king and rich people

 Shaikh Mubarak wrights the royal palaces of a king consists of royal ladies, kanizs ( lady flunky), and khaja Sarao ( lady guards). There were separate houses for gents flunkies.


There were different grades of Ameer known as Malik, Ameer, Sipahi salar and other officers in the services of the king Sultan was having 80 number of Khans. In their position, there were 900 000 equines and equine riders out of which some were at its court rest of spread over the entirekingdom.The army of the Sultan consists of people from Turkey, Khitaey, Irani, and Hindustani.


 King Sultan was having 3000 colossi. At the time of war, the chief was used to fixing the facade of the colossi. Remaining time colossi were covered with ornamented silk cloth especially at the time of some program. Gauche chairperson specially designed used to fix on the rear of an colossus. Sometimes kaleidoscopic shields were also fixed on the colossus. Near about 6 to 10 persons were used to sit in Delhi.

Army and Servents 

 There were Turk domestics (Subahul Asha, part 5 p 91-92) under the services of King Sultan. According to Al – Bajji there were Khwaja Sarah. 1000 treasurers, 1000 domestics to take care of shoes and clothes of the king, guards, and aid of guards. Every Khan had fighters, every Malik was having 1000 and every Ameer had 100 fighters. 

 Payments of Salary 

 According to Subahul Asha, part 5, express 94 the hires 

.Khan Tankas (one Tanka = 8 Derham) 

. Malik to Tankas 

. Ameer to Tankas 

. Sepahsalar Tankas 

. Other officers 1000 to Tankas 

. Servents 5000 to 1000 Tankas 


 One Assiduity was commanded by King Sultan were 4000 silk cloth wavers. Different types of Silk cloth were prepared for presenting Khihat and for gifts. Every cycle Sultan used to distributes cloths during the summer session and during the downtime session. The silk was brought from China and Woolen was brought from Iraq. Sultan was having 4000 adorning rocks some clothes were prepared for the royal family and some are cloth ladies of high- rank officers. 


 Every epoch Sultan used to distribute Arabi Equines which were royal conspicuous. Merchandisers from Behrin and other places of Arabian were supplying equines to the king. 


 Croakers 1200 

Bazz boo coaches – 

. Darbari 500 

 Musician 1200 

 Minstrels (Arbi, Farsi, Hindi) 

.Lunch and Feed 

 At the time of Darbar (Court) high- rank officers, Khan, Ameer, Malik, and Sipahsalar used to remain present. Along with Sultan 200, Fakhih used to remain present. 

 Cans and other instruments 

 Whenever Sultan used to march out of his palace there were a large number of officers, regulars along with 200 Naqare, 40 Tumbure, 20 Biguls who took part. 

Dr Shaikh Ramzan

M.A., M.Ed., PhD  (History) Researcher


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