Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad


 Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

Founder-of-Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History-of-Aurangabad

Rocket Man

Rocket Technology at Aurangabad in 1612 AD
First time in the world
World’s First War-Rocket
Developed by Malik Ambar at Aurangabad

        Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad' Nowadays technologists developed rockets into International Ballistic Missiles and also an interceptor missile. Moreover, the technologists invented missiles to reach the Moon and Planet Mars. But very few people knew the birthplace of war rockets is Aurangabad where Malik Ambar has developed war rockets and fired several hundred rockets on the army of Jahangir in the year 1612 AD and won the war. It is the pride and honour of Aurangabad and Malik Ambar for the creation of the world’s first war rocket.


It is very important to go through the early history of rockets in the world to prove that Malik Ambar is the first man who developed war-rockets as weapons that were very effective and caused casualties in the battle with Jahangir fought at Aurangabad in 1612 AD.


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

As per the Guinness World Records[1], the first use of true rockets was reported in 1232 when the Chinese and Mongols were at war with each other. During the battle of Kai-Keng, the Chinese repelled the Mongol invaders by a barrage of 'arrows of flying fire. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad'


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

According to Encyclopedia Americana[2], the invention of gunpowder must have been made around the year 1200 AD in China. Some display rockets were developed in China. Considering the time, the new invention travelled from East to West with incredible speed. The first European mention of a rocket was in 1258, at Cologne. Marcus Grace, Konrad Kyeser von Eichstadt (1366 – 1405), and the Italian military engineer Giovanni Fontuns (1395 – 1455) suggested a considerable array of rocket weapons. Even then the rocket technology could not progress cognizably therefore the rocket became a means of display and amusement; the first organized fireworks display of which we know took place in 1570.

(Note: It shows that the Portuguese were unaware of Rockets as weapons even up to 1570. An Indian research scholar submitted his thesis to the Shodhganga Website[3]and vides his Chapter No. 4, “Rocket Technology and Warfare” declared that after the entry of the Portuguese in 1498 is not true.)

        Encyclopedia Americana further says that all these rockets consisted of cardboard into which pulverized gun powder; with the addition of charcoal to slow the burning, had been gluttonously hammered by hand. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad' The first attempts to stabilize rockets through tail fins took place in about 1700 AD. Col. Christone Holtzman in 1703 built rockets and tested them but these experiments had no military consequences.

        The Encyclopedia Britannica[4]states that before 1500 AD, there was no clear idea about rocket technology. The tale of a Chinese Wan-Hu (1500 AD) presumably legendary was known in the history of rockets. Later on a Polish artillery expert, Kazimlerz Siemienowicz wrote a book in Latin giving some concepts about rocket technology with 200 diagrams. This book was translated into French (1651), German (1676). English and Dutch (1678) But the Encyclopedia said clearly that these concepts took another 100 years to prove.  Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad' 

        The Encyclopedia Britannica in the above paragraph stated that the concept of rocket technology to bring into practice will take another 100 years after 1678 AD to prove. The Encyclopedia Americana accepted that by 1570 all these rockets consisted of cardboard and the experiment made by various persons about rockets had no military consequence. But, the Europeans and the British were unaware of the fact that Malik Ambar developed effective war-rockets and implemented the same in the war with Indian Emperor Jahangir in the year 1612 AD. Several soldiers were wounded and died. It seems that India was quite advanced in the technology of rockets as compared to the European countries. Though it is a great incident of the world unfortunately Aurangabad and Malik Ambar were not given any place in the Encyclopedias of Britannica and Americana or any other World Books. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad' Fortunately, there was only one written authentic evidence about this incident in the form of an autobiography of Emperor Jahangir called “The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri”. Unfortunately, there was no cognizance taken by the Government Authorities of Aurangabad and the State Government to create a memorial with a short history of rockets.

The historical evidence clearly shows that the rocket technology and its successful use in battle were developed by Malik Ambar, the Prime Minister of Nizam Shahi Kingdom at his Capital town, Aurangabad. There was a famous battle fought at Aurangabad in 1612 AD, between Malik Ambar and Emperor Jahangir. Abdullah Khan the Emperor’s Governor of Gujarat attacked Malik Ambar in 1612 at Aurangabad. Malik Ambar had a Rocket corps in his army and Abdullah Khan got a humiliating defeat in this war of Aurangabad. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad'

        In the year 1612 AD as portrayed in the Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’;[5] “When 'Abdullah Khan passed the Ghats and entered the enemy's country, he did not take care to send runners (qasidan) to bring intelligence from the other army, nor did he, following the arrangements, make his movements harmonize with theirs so that on an appointed day they might take the enemy between two armies. Rather he relied on his strength and considered that if he could gain the victory alone it would be better. This idea fixed itself in his mind, and however much Raja Ram Das desired him to promise to go forward with due deliberation, it was of no use. The enemy, who was observing him closely, had sent a large number of leaders and Bargls (Mahrattas) against him, and encounters took place with them every day. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. They did not fail to throw rockets and different fireworks at night. At last, the enemy drew near, and yet he obtained no intelligence about the other army, though he had approached Daulatabad, which was the place of assembly of the Dakhanis. 'Ambar, the black-faced, had raised to sovereignty a child who, in his opinion, bore a relationship to the family of Nizam-ul-Mulk. So that men might fully accept his (the child's) sovereignty, he raised him and took him by the hand, and made himself the Peshwa and leader. He sent men again and again (against 'Abdullah), and the number of the enemy was continually increasing till at last, they made an attack, and by throwing rockets and other fireworks made matters hot for him. At length the loyalists thought it best, as no assistance had come to them from the other army and all the Dakhanis had turned against them, to retreat at once and try some other arrangement. All agreed, and with a single consent started before dawn. The Dakhanis followed them to the boundaries of their own country, and the two armies, meeting every day, did not fail in fighting. These days several of the ambitious and zealous young men were killed. 'Ali Mardan Khan Bahadur, behaving like a brave man, carried away terrible wounds and fell into the hands of the enemy, and showed his companions an example of fidelity to his salt and life-sacrifice. Zulfiqar Baig also displayed manly actions, and a rocket struck him on the leg, and two days afterward he died. When they entered the country of Raja Bharju, who was one of those loyal to the throne, that body (the enemy) turned back, and 'Abdullah Khan proceeded towards Gujarat.” Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.

        Abdullah Khan with his battalion of about 20,000 soldiers attacked Malik Ambar in the battle at Aurangabad. Malik Ambar must have had 500 to 1000 rocket gunners to defeat the vast number of soldiers of Abdullah Khan. When the news of defeat was brought before Jahangir, the officers might probably have reduced the number of dead and wounded soldiers of Jahangir’s army so that Emperor Jahangir should not be more upset with their performance on the battlefield. This could be the reason Emperor Jahangir does not mention the complete figure of dead and wounded persons by the use of rockets in his autobiography. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.

        In the year 1615 AD emperor Jahangir defeated Malik Ambar and writes in Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri as follows;

          Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. “The whole of the enemy’s (Malik Ambar’s) artillery, with 300 laden camels that carried rockets, war elephants, Arab and Persian horses, weapons and armour beyond reckoning fell into the hands of the servants of the state, and there was no counting the slain and the fallen. A great many of the leaders fell alive into their hands. The next day the victorious troops, marching from the place of victory proceeded to Karki, which was the nest of the owlish ones, and seeing no trace of them they encamped there, and obtained news that they during that night and day had fallen miserably in different places. For some days the victorious army, delayed at Karki, levelled with the dark earth buildings and houses of the enemy (Khadki of Malik Ambar) and burnt that populous place. [6]

    Wakiat-e-Jahangiri[7]is the translation of ‘The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’ by Mr Elliot and Dowson and there is another translation of the same script ‘The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’ by Alexander Rogers; excerpts of the translation is as follows,

        Ambar the black-faced who had placed himself in command of the enemy, continually brought up reinforcements till he had assembled a large force, and he constantly annoyed Abdullah Khan with ROCKETS and various kinds of fiery MISSILES till he reduced him to a sad condition.----“ Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.

    District Gazetteers of Aurangabad[8] (1888 & 1977) is a Government’s authentic document that also gives the same references about the battle of Malik Ambar with Rockets and fiery missiles Abdullah Khan suffered a great defeat. It states as follows;

“The enemy (Malik Ambar) kept a sharp watch over his (Jahangir’s Army) movements and sent a large force of Maratha (bargiyan), who skirmished with him all day. And harassed him at night with rockets and other fiery projectiles till the main body of the enemy drew near, he was quite unaware of their proximity although he approached Daulatabad a stronghold of the Dakhinis. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.

                Amber the black-faced, who had placed himself in the command of the enemy, continually brought up reinforcements till he had assembled a large force, and he constantly annoyed Abdullah with rockets and various kinds of fiery missiles (atash-bazi), till he reduced him to a sad condition. So, as the Imperial army had received no reinforcements, and the enemy was in great force, it was deemed expedient to retreat, and prepare for a new campaign. All the chiefs were unanimous in favour of this, and before dawn, they began to fall back. The enemy pressed upon them to the boundaries of their territory, but either side held its own. But a part of our force courted a serious encounter, and Ali Mardan Khan, after a valorous conflict, was left in the hands of the enemy. After another day, when they reached the frontier of RajuBahariu, an adherent of the Imperial throne, the enemy retired and Abdullah Khan proceeded to Gujarat.

          A great historian B.G. Tamaskar in his book, “Life and Times of Malik Ambar”[9]states that, “Abdullah Khan the Mughal governor of Gujarat attacked Malik Ambar at Aurangabad. During the battle, Malik Ambar used rockets and defeated Abdullah Khan. Zul-faqar Beg one of the commanders of the Mughals was struck by the Rocket fired by Malik Ambars army and his leg got broken and he died after two days.

It is not a part of the fiction but an authentic historical fact, that the ROCKET technology to attack the enemy was successfully developed in India in the 17th and 18th centuries. The European industrialized countries like Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, USSR, and the USA were ignorant about the technology of rockets and their uses on the battlefield. But when the news of the successful use of rockets in India in 1799 AD flashed in the European countries, they were stunned.


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. It would be interesting to read the authentic statement of the British noted in theENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, Volume 19, RaynalToSarraut, 1965, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., William Benton, Publisher, (Page 367)

            Despite the hard work of individual European enthusiasts, the use of rockets in military campaigns was sporadic. A revival of interest occurred after a series of battles in India late in the 18th century. Haider Ali, prince of Mysore, developed rockets as weapons. The rockets had tubes, permitting higher internal pressures. They weighed 6-12 lb. and were flight-stabilized by a 10-fit bamboo stick. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. The range of these rockets was a starting 1-1 ½ ml. Although not individually accurate, dispersion errors of individual rockets became unimportant when large umber was fired in mass attacks. These rockets were particularly effective against cavalry. Haider Ali’s son, Tipu Sahib continued to develop and expand the use of rocket weapons, increasing the number of rocket gunners from 1,200 to a corps of 5,000. The British suffered heavily, particularly in battles at Srirangapatnam in 1792 and 1799.

         19th Century Developments – The news of the successful use of rockets in these engagements spread through Europe. A British colonel, William Congreve, began to experiment privately. Within a few years, he was able to match and exceed the range of the Indian rockets. In 1806 British rockets caused great fires during an attack on Boulogne. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. The next year a massed attack, using about 25,000 rockets, burned most of Copenhagen to the ground. In the decisive battle of Leipzig (1813) Congreve rockets are credited with playing an important role. Later in the same year, Danzig was subject to a series of massed rocket bombardments in three successive months. The last attack caused the surrender of the city.


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. In the United States, the British used their rocket corps in two important engagements during the war of 1812. One was the battle of Bladensburg (Aug.24, 1814) when their use drove back the American troops. As a result the British were able to advance on Washington, D.C., capturing and burning the city. In September the British forces attempted to capture Ft. McHenry, which guarded Baltimore harbour. They were unsuccessful but on that occasion, Francis Scott Key, inspired by the sight of the night engagement, wrote the starring words of the Star-Spangled Banner, later adopted as the U.S. national anthem. “The rockets’ red glare” and “bombs bursting in air” ever since have continued to memorialize Congreve’s rockets. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. The Encyclopedia of Americana Vol 23. Page 599a supports the same fact of Haider and Tipu Sultan. Though the British were quite advanced in science and technology amongst other European countries in those days and there was always tug of war in all European countries in developing new research on the various technological field but they could not develop rocket weapons that Haider and Tipu could do so in India. The news of the defeat of the British by Haider and Tipu in India by using new weapons i.e. ROCKET spread all over the European countries like wildfire and European scientists immediately turned their attention towards that new invention of India. A Young British colonel William Congreve immediately rushed down to India to study this rocket technology of India.

The authenticity of Aurangabad’s Rockets-Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

        It is very important to note that the Encyclopedia Americana and Encyclopedia Britannica are recognized as authentic world books. The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri is a book of the Government of Jahangir. Moreover, the Aurangabad District Gazetteer is also the Indian Government Gazette. Therefore the claim made by Dr Shaikh Ramzan that the world’s first war rocket has been developed at Aurangabad and successfully used against Jahangir is true. Hence, Aurangabad is the first birthplace of war-rockets in the world and Malik Ambar is an inventor of rockets.

ABOUT MALIK AMBAR - Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

        The Abyssinian parents of Malik Ambar sold him as a slave in the market of Baghdad. His master then was Abhang Khan. Later, he was sold to Khwaja Kasimand finally became the Slave of MirakDabir who was a noble of the Murtuza Nizam (1565-86 AD) at Ahmed Nagar which is now in Maharashtra (India).

        Though he was in his teens, he was brave, intelligent, and a mastermind. Malik Ambar rose gradually into an influential position in the Kingdom of Nizam Shahi of Ahmed Nagar. His master had an army of one thousand slaves- all blacks, of which Malik Ambar was a part. He was an ambitious young man. After his master died, Malik Ambar no longer remained a Slave.


Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.  His life took many twists and turns but he succeeded to reach the highest position in the kingdom of Ahmednagar and became a law unto Himself. He successfully fought against the mighty Mughals and his other neighbouring kings. His last capital was at Daulatabad, a well-known stronghold of Deccan (India). Daulatabad was not sufficient enough for a place for Capital. So he built a beautiful capital near Daulatabad and named it Fatehnagar. The number of locations with beautiful buildings, places, gardens, roads, Water Lake, and underground aqueduct for drinking water constructed by him in addition to seven mosques including Jama Masjid, a Portuguese Church, Pandit Khana, Navkhanda Palace, and Bhadkal Gate.

History of Rockets
EARLIER to Malik Ambar 
Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad


            Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. One of the research scholars submitted his thesis to the Shodhganga Website[10] and vide his Chapter No. 4, “Rocket Technology and Warfare” declared that after the entry of the Portuguese in 1498 there is clear evidence of the use of firearms on the battlefield. During this period there is no evidence that the rockets were effectively used on the battlefield among any of the European Countries including Portugal. Therefore it is not proper to give credit to the Portuguese for being pioneers of war-rockets. It is also mentioned in the same thesis that Pankaj Kumar[11] noted that there is no information of any surviving rocket specimens during Akbar to Jahangir’s period.

           Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. Mohammad KasimFarishta[12] has given a reference that Ahmed Nizam Shah founded Ahmednagarin in the year 1490 AD. Further, he noted a war took place between Ahmed Shah v/s with Mehmood Shah Begurra a king of Gujarat were in this battle Ahmed Shah used rockets during 1499 AD. By this time rockets were used in the battle to frighten the enemies but there is no record of any casualty.127 years earlier to Malik Ambar the rockets were used mainly for display and amusement. Malik Ambar was the first man who used rockets as weapons in 1612 AD with casualties.

History of Rockets

During Malik Ambar

Malik Ambar was the first man in the world who develop ROCKET as a war weapon

Founder-of-Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History-of-Aurangabad

There is no other proof stronger than Emperor Jahangir noted in his autobiography about his defeat by Malik Ambar due to ROCKET. Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad.

War 1612 Malik Ambar v/s Jahangir
Jahangir writes in Tuzuk-e-Jahangir on vol.1 page No. 220

“They (army of Malik Ambar) did not fail to throw ROCKETS and different fireworks at night. At last, the enemy drew near, and yet he obtained no intelligence about the other army, though he had approached Daulatabad, which was the place of assembly of the Dakhanis.”

Note: Jahangir discriminated against real ROCKET weapons and other types of fireworks

“He (Malik Ambar) sent men again and again (against ‘Abdu-llah), and the number of the enemy was continually increasing till at last, they made an attack, and by throwing ROCKETS and other fireworks made matters hot for him.” 

Note: Jahangir agreed that his commander Abdullah Khan got defeat because of ROCKET

Jahangir further writes “Zu-l-faqar Beg also displayed manly actions, and a ROCKET struck him on the leg, and two days afterward he died.”

Note: Jahangir specifically mentioned of casualty of his commander Zu-l-faqar Beg because Malik Ambar’s ROCKET was very powerful to kill his commander. As such it is proved that ROCKET was used as a war weapon. The war news reporters while reporting the defeat of Mughals by the hands of Malik Ambar must have been hidden from Jahangir the big number of casualties of common soldiers due to ROCKETS

War 1615 Malik Ambar v/s Jahangir
Jahangir writes in Tuzuk-e-Jahangir on vol.1 page No. 313

“On Sunday, the 25thBahman, the armies of light and darkness approached each other and the scouts became visible. Three watches of the day had passed when cannon and ROCKET firing began.”

Note: The above fact shows that the ROCKETS were used in the war at day time by Malik Ambar’s proves that Malik Ambar’s ROCKETS not made for the night shows but was used as a military war weapon.

Jahangir writes in Tuzuk-e-Jahangir on vol.1 page No. 314

“When horses and men could move no more and the defeated were scattered, they drew rein and returned to their places. The whole of the enemy’s artillery, with 300 laden camels that carried ROCKETS, war elephants,”

Note: Malik Ambar had a Large number of ROCKETS which were laden on 300 camels and elephants. Malik Ambar was alone king to prepare thousands of ROCKETS to attack an enemy to cause severe injuries and death to the enemy as happened in the war of 1612.

Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. As a matter of fact, during the period of Jahangir, his army under noble Abdullah Khan attacked Malik Ambar in the year 1612 AD and was defeated brutally by Malik Ambar due to his powerful rockets. There is no clear evidence even in European countries regarding effective use of war-rockets before Malik Ambar (1612 AD) as such credit goes to Malik Ambar as the first man in the world to develop effective war-rockets.

History of Rockets

AFTER Malik Ambar - Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad

Pieces of evidence of the Use of Rockets in Wars in India 1612AD: Aurangabad City[13]

Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. Jahangir writes in his autobiography that his army headed by Abdullah Khan lost the battle between Aurangabad and Daulatabad at the hands of Malik Ambar due to his powerful army rockets were thrown on the army of Jahangir. Some persons died and some were wounded. Zulfiqar Baig also displayed manly actions, and a rocket struck him on the leg, and two days afterwards, he died.

1612 AD:

Aurangabad City[1]

Jahangir writes in his autobiography that his army headed by Abdullah Khan lost the battle between Aurangabad and Daulatabad at the hands of Malik Ambar due to his powerful army rockets thrown on the army of Jahangir. Some persons died and some were wounded. Zulfiqar Baig also displayed manly actions, and a rocket struck him on the leg, and two days afterwards he died.

1615 AD:

Near Aurangabad[2]

Emperor Jahangir further writes in his autobiography “Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri” that the combined army of Malik Ambar and the Qutub Shahi and the Adil Shahi lost the war against the army of Jahangir even though the rockets were used by Malik Ambar. Jahangir writes further “The whole of the enemy’s (Malik Ambar’s) artillery, with 300 laden camels that carried rockets, war elephants, Arab and Persian horses, weapons and armour beyond reckoning, fell into the hands of the servants of the state, and there was no counting the slain and the fallen. A great many of the leaders fell alive into their hands. The next day the victorious troops, marching from the place of victory, proceeded to Karki, which was the nest of those owlish ones, and seeing no trace of them encamped there, and obtained news that they during that night and day had fallen miserably in different places. For some days the victorious army, delayed at Karki, levelled with the dark earth the buildings and houses of the enemy, and burnt that populous place.”

“Jahangir writes on page no. 313 that at three watches of the day had passed when cannon and rocket firing began.”

(Note: It shows clearly that the war began at day time, had the rockets were used only for display and amusement then the rockets would not have been fired at least in the day time.)

1621 AD:

Emperor Jahangir specifically writes in his autobiography, Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri about the defeat of Malik Ambar and explains how brutally deserted the Khirki town of Malik Ambar continuously 3 days. Here Jahangir missed noting the use of rockets by Malik Ambar but it is very clear from the war 1615 AD that Malik Ambar has always used rockets even mounted on camels and elephants. As noted in the war fought in 1615 AD.

1637 AD:

Mudgaun Village

When Aurangzeb was Subedar his commander KhaneZaman passed an order for the payment of Rocket Men for the payment of their salaries.[3]


Baglana Fort[4]

Endorsed memorandum, conveying imperial orders to supply ammunition articles five hundred rockets along with one canon hundred canon bombs etc.


1656 AD:

Bidar Fort[5]

Prince Aurangzeb and Muazim Khan (Mir Jumla) attacked on the Fort of Bidar. SiddiMarjan and old servant of Ibrahim Adil Khan resisted strongly with the rockets and other weapons but lastly Aurangzeb succeeded to besiege the fort.

1659 AD:

Khwaja (Town)[6]

The new military weapon i.e. war-rockets were not only used by Malik Ambar alone but also they were used by Mughals. Prince Aurangzeb in the battle with his brother Prince Shuja. Aurangzeb got success in this war.

1669 AD:


Noble Hassan Ali Khan was called for an interview by Aurangzeb. He was allowed to keep 1000 rocket men, 1000 musketeers, 1000 archers and 25 cannons. This shows a number of rocket gunners appointed for the effective use of rockets against the enemy.

Sept, 1678 AD:

Golkonda Fort[8]

The news writer of Deccan reported to Aurangzeb that Diler Khan had a steep fight with the army of Golkonda, an elephant was killed by a rocket, the elephant ridden by the Khan was wounded by a musket ball, the servant who rode on the elephant behind the Khan was killed by a rocket, the fire of rocket even fell on the collar of the Khan but it was extinguished with the water of his leather skin bottle.

Qutub Shahi ruler of Golkonda Abul Hassan Tana Shah was imprisoned and kept in the fort of Daulatabad.

Sept,1686 AD:

Bijapur Fort[9]

Emperor Aurangzeb road to the edge of the moat of the Bijapur Fort in order to inspect the battery which had been raised opposite the Turret of the Fort. A great noise was made by the cortege, and rockets and muskets began to fire with a great noise from the fort.[10]Lastly the King Sikander Adil Shah lost the Bijapur Fort and surrendered to Emperor Aurangzeb.

1699 AD:

Satara Fort[11]

Prince Azam Shah by the order of his father Aurangzeb attacked on the fort of Satara. The possession of the fort Maratha King Raja Ram, he showered the rockets, muskets, day and night on the army of Aurangzeb but in the end the battle and fort was lost by the Maratha King Raja Ram.

1704 AD:

Rajgarh Fort[12]

On Sunday the 6th of February 1704, the army of Aurangzeb surrounded the fort of Rajgarh. The Maratha King showered rockets on the army of Aurangzeb but unfortunately, the fort was lost to Aurangzeb.

1792 AD:

War of Srirangapatnam

Tipu Sultan of Mysore thrown hundreds of rockets on the British army and succeeded in the war.

Jahangir’s Frustration

Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. Malik Amber has outstanding military skills as such he used rockets in large numbers to defeat the army of Jahangir between Daulatabad to Aurangabad. When news reached Emperor Jahangir he could not believe a pretty king Malik Amber defeated his army containing 20,000 cavalries. He recorded in his memoir in the year 1612 about this defeat abusing Malik Amber as Black Faced. Emperor Jahangir himself thinking as world conqueror king but he got humiliating defeat by a nigrode facto king. Hence due to frustration he prepared the head of Malik Amber and put it on the spear and daily throwing arrows with a bow on the head of Malik Amber to reduce his tension. One renowned Mughal artist Abul Hasan in the court of Jahangir created an amazing painting to show the feelings of frustration of Emperor Jahangir.

Founder-of-Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History-of-Aurangabad

The output of the research

            Founder of Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History of Aurangabad. Lastly, it is very clear from the evidence presented in this research shows undoubtedly that Malik Amber was the first person in the world who developed an effective war rocket against an army of Jahangir and won the war. After Malik Amber, many kings used war rockets in various wars. Some of the lists of the effective war rocket are given herewith. It is surprising to see that contemporary historians and writers have not concentrated or paid attention towards the Rockets used by Malik Amber and later on also use by many other kings, it happened because in those days nobody thought of in future one day or other rocket technology will reach this extraordinary height even to land on Moon and Mars.

        Tipu Sultan used effective war rockets against the British army in 1792 and 1799 and was recognized in the world as a pioneer of war rockets but after this short research, the credit must go to Malik Amber being the first man to develop and used effective war rockets against Emperor Jahangir in 1612.


Founder-of-Aurangabad-Malik Ambar-History-of-Aurangabad

Dr. Shaikh Ramzan

M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. (History)



[1] All Records listed on our website are current and up-to-date.

[2] The Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, Complete in Thirty Volumes, First Published in 1829, American Corporation, International Headquarters 575, Lexington Avenue, New York 10022, Volume 23, Pums to Russelivile (Page 599a)

[3] Chapter 4 – Rocket Technology and Warfare

[4]Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 19, RaynalToSarraut, 1965, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc, William Benton, Publisher, (Page 366)

[5]‘The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’; or, Memoirs of Jahangir. Translated by Alexander Rogers. Edited by Henry Beveridge. First published in 1909-1914. London. Latest Published by Low Price Publications, A-6, Nimri Commercial Centre, Near Ashok Vihar Phase-IV, Delhi-110052 Vol. 1, page 219-221.

[6]‘The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’; or, Memoirs of Jahangir. Translated by Alexander Rogers. Edited by Henry Beveridge. First published in 1909-1914. London. Latest Published by Low Price Publications, A-6, Nimri Commercial Centre, Near AshokVihar Phase-IV, Delhi-110052, Vol 1, page 314

[7]Wakiat-e-Jahangiri is the translation of ‘The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri’ by Mr Elliot and Dowson (DwazdaSalaJahangiri) or ‘The Memoirs of Jahangir’ was a contemporary Persian book translated by the world-famous British historians, Mr Elliot and Dowson. They wrote in their English Translation, “History of India as Told by its own Historian” Vol. 6 page No. 333

[8] Maharashtra State Gazetteers, Government of Maharashtra, Aurangabad District (Revised Edition), Bombay, Gazetteers Department, Government of Maharashtra, 1977 (page 111).

[9]B.G. Tamaskar in his book, “Life and Times of Malik Ambar” noted the reference of the contemporary book” Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri” translated by Alexander Rogers (1909 London) Vol. I P 221

[10] Chapter 4 – Rocket Technology and Warfare

[11]Pankaj Kumar, “Some Fire-Arms in Mughal India” in Anirudh Roy and S.K Bagchi (Ed.) Technology in Ancient and Medieval India, Delhi, 1986, pp.41-45.

[12]Mohamed KasimFerishta, (Original Persian), History of the Rise of the Mohamedan Power in India, translated by John Briggs, Adam Publishers, and Distributors, Vol. 3, Ed. 2006, p. 123

[13] The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri or Memoirs of Jahangir Translated by Alexander Rogers Edited by Henry Beveridge in 2 vols. Bound in One. Low Price Publications, Delhi 110052 p.220

[14]The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri Ibid. p.220

[15] Selected documents of Shah Jahan reigns published by Daftar-e-Diwani, Hyderabad, Deccan, 1950, p.25

[16] Ibid.

[17] Historical & Descriptive Sketch of His Highness The Nizam’s Dominion compiled by Syed HossainBilgrami& C. Willmott, Vol II, p.377

[18]Maasir-i-Alamgiri A History of the Emperor Aurangzib-Alamgir (Reign 1658-1707 A.D.) of SaqiMust’ad Khan Translated into English and annotated by Sir JaduNathSarkar p.7

[19]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.58

[20]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.102

[21]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.180

[22]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.170

[23]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.250

[24]Maasir-i-Alamgiri Ibid. p.288

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